How to make 70 K from online shop in just 90 days?We’re thrilled to share a major success story for one of our Shopify clients.Dec 20, 2024Dec 20, 2024
A Glimpse into the Career of Afzal Zubair-Product Owner at ConziaToday, we will talk to Afzal Zubair, who is a Product Owner here at Conzia. In this short conversation, we’ll try to figure out his…Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Conzia: a Startup changing the way Businesses Communicate with their Customers?If you can answer “Yes,” then welcome to the realm of new business and technological innovation at Conzia.Dec 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020
Why AI-Based Conversational Commerce is the Future of Business Communication?Five years down the line, Conversational Commerce was not the focus of many businesses. But if we talk about today, an e-commerce business…Dec 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020
Conzia- A Shortcut For Increasing Your Business SalesThe industry that we are targeting is AI-based conversational commerce. And our platform is called a communications platform as a service.Dec 3, 20201Dec 3, 20201
Welcoming Afzal Zubair at Conzia- our Product Nerd“Before joining the Graduate School, I never thought that I will be writing code one day. Starting from zero knowledge about software, I…Jun 18, 20203Jun 18, 20203